Saturday, June 9, 2012

Grape Jelly

Grape Jelly sat on the shelf at a local grocery store surrounded by his brothers and sister and cousins. They would spend their their days talking and laughing and generally had a good life. Deep down Grape Jelly and his relatives really were just waiting for that one special person to adopt them and take them home. There were many false hopes in Grape Jelly’s young life; being pick upped and looked at or moved so that a person could get to one of Grape Jelly’s siblings. Then one day The Man in the Black Hat walked by Grape Jelly.
The Man in the Black Hat looked over all of Grape Jelly’s siblings and cousins first. Then he bent down and with a smile picked up Grape Jelly approvingly.
“Whee” Grape Jelly squealed as into The Man in the Black Hat’s cart he went. In the cart Grape Jelly met other food from isles in the store he didn’t even know existed. It was fun being wheeled around at such speed. Then at the end The Man in the Black Hat bent down and placed Grape Jelly and all of his friends from the cart onto a sliding belt thing.
At first the it was scary as the belt would start then stop. Then Grape Jelly began to enjoy the ride. Soon another person, someone else Grape Jelly had never seen, grabbed him and passed him over a criss-cross of red lights. Some weird device next to Grape Jelly and this new person went BEEP. Then Grape Jelly was set down a slide and into a bag.
In the bag Grape Jelly waited while all of his cart friends were also beeped and bagged. After waiting a short while, The Man in the Black Hat began to push the red wheeled cage that Grape Jelly and his cart friends had been placed in. Grape Jelly began to get exited as he saw the opening of the store’s doors! Sunshine! Outside! This was amazing to Grape Jelly.
Outside The Man in the Black Hat began to put some of Grape Jelly’s cart friends into a red bag. When the bag seemed full The Man in the Black Hat put Grape Jelly in the red bag in the same compartment with his friends Diet Mountain Dew and Diet Dr. Pepper. Then with a pat The Man in the Black Hat zipped the bag shut.
The next bit of the journey was bumpy and dark. Grape Jelly wasn’t too sure what was happening but had a feeling that they were going home with The Man in the Black Hat. After several minutes in the dark bumpy bag a sliver of light began to show. Slowly the crack began to get bigger; little by little. Grape Jelly saw amazing blue sky, buildings and heard cars it was wonderful and beautiful.
“This! This must be our new home!” Grape Jelly exclaimed as The Man in the Black Hat entered a large building. In the large room were little metal boxes and a desk a big metal doors that slid. As The Man in the Black Hat slid a plastic thing in a little black box one of the metal doors slid open again. Grape Jelly was only half paying attention as the sliver of light had now become a very large hole. Grape Jelly leaned over to see more but began to feel alarming sense of motion. Then there was pain and… nothing. The last thing Grape Jelly ever heard was The Man in the Black Hat saying, “Well sh…..”